Marinetti Link Layers

  • Update 22nd July 2024

 Read the Manual:  Link Layer Manual 6Mb

Download:  Sweet16 LL 6Kb (v1.0.6)

Download:  Uthernet LL 6Kb – for the original Uthernet I card (v1.0.5)

Download:  Uthernet 2 LL 6Kb – for the newer Uthernet II card (v2.0.5)

One of the main features of the Marinetti TCP/IP stack, is the ability to drop in multiple Link Layers (LL), so it can talk to many different communication systems. When Glenn Jones first designed the Uthernet card, he asked me to write a IIgs LL for the card. That LL has been available for many years, and now with the release of the Uthernet II, has been updated it to a new LL specifically to drive the new card.

All three Link Layers are now compatible with the SMB FST by Stephen Heumann.

I adapted the LL code a few years back for a Sweet16 emulator LL, allowing any Marinetti compatible program to be run directly from within Sweet16.

All three Link Layers now have Finder information that shows their version numbers. This will make it easier in the future to see which version you have installed.

Download:  Emulator LL 25Kb – Source code for Emulator Link Layer

This is ORCA/M source code for a generic Link Layer. You can adapt the code as needed to build a custom Marinetti interface.




